Home Fitness The Benefits of Running Backwards

The Benefits of Running Backwards

Young woman running in Barcelona

Have you ever wondered if running backwards could give you more calorie burning, heart health, and muscle building benefits than running forwards? If so, you’re not alone. Many people are curious about the potential benefits of running backwards, which is why we decided to take a closer look. Let’s dive into the science behind this form of exercise and explore how it can help you become healthier and fitter.

How Does It Work?

Running backwards is exactly what it sounds like—you run in reverse instead of forwards. Some of the benefits are immediately obvious; for example, since you’re looking in the opposite direction than usual, your peripheral vision improves, offering a wider view that helps you avoid potential hazards like potholes or low-hanging branches. Plus, since your body has to constantly adjust its balance to stay upright when running backward, it engages different muscles than it would when running forward.

One of the most appealing aspects of running backward is its purported ability to burn calories more quickly and effectively. And the good news is that there is some evidence to support this claim. Studies have found that running backwards at a moderate pace can burn up to 25 percent more calories than running forward at an equivalent pace—a significant difference! Furthermore, because it activates different muscle groups than forward running does, running backward may also help improve coordination and agility by helping strengthen muscles that don’t normally get worked out during cardio.

Running in any direction can help improve heart health in several ways; for example, by increasing oxygen intake and lowering blood pressure levels. But according to research published by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), running backwards may actually be even better for your heart because it increases heart rate more quickly than regular forward jogging does—by as much as 10 beats per minute! So for those looking for an extra boost to their cardiovascular workouts, backward running may be just the ticket.

In short, there is some evidence that suggests that backward running can provide additional calorie burning, heart health, and muscle building benefits compared with regular jogging or walking—but always consult with your doctor before engaging in any new physical activity regimen! That said, if you’re looking for a way to mix up your routine and challenge yourself physically while still getting a great workout in without having to go too fast or too far, then give backward running a try today! Ultimately it all comes down to personal preference—so find what works best for you and stick with it!

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